Curriculum Vitae of

Dr. Nizar Haddad


Nationality                      :


Place and Date of Birth  : 

12 May 1972, Irbid

Martial Status                  :


Postal address                  :

P.O Box 620081 Irbid -  Jordan

Languages                       :

fluent in Arabic, English and Russian

e-mail                              :

[email protected]




B.S. &  M.S.    1995     Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, Russia.

Ph.D.               1999     Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, Russia.


1996 �1999,   Beekeeping Graduate Research Assistant. Belgorod State Agricultural Academy � Russia.

2000 � 2002,  Coordinator of the forage legumes Research program. (NCARE).

2001 � 2002,  Counterpart �Alternative livelihoods and sources of income�. The Project of Agro-Biodiversity in Jordan. (NCARE).

2001,               Beekeeping Consultant and trainer. Italian Cooperation Project (RC), Integrated Rural Development.

2002 - 2005.    Agricultural Micro enterprises & revolving loans Consultant .Jordan Baptist Society.

2008                Agricultural Consultant and beekeeping training expert with the Iraq Agricultural Extension Revitalization Project. Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture. The Texas A&M University System.

2003-present    Director of the Bee Research Unit, NCARE, Jordan




Is the founder of the Bee Research Unit at the National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension; started work at the BRU in 2002 with very limited local sources of funding. The first Arab awarded by "Apimondia" (internationally-respected beekeeping organization) three times with golden and bronze medals in the years 2005 and 2007. Winner of the Vita "International Honeybee Health Research Award" for outstanding research activities for the development of beekeeping research in the Arab world, in particular his work on honey bee viruses.


Several times was invited as a keynote speaker at different international conferences especially in subject "Use of beekeeping for poverty alleviation" and "Honey bee diseases in the Arab world". During the last 5 years, wrote over 20 general articles and 7 books and booklets, over 20 brushers� extension brochures some of which have been translated to English and Spanish, producer of 10 beekeeping extension files and had over 100 TV and radio interviews in Jordanian, Arab and American channels and radio stations.   


Selected by different national and international organizations, as a trainer for the beekeeping extension surveys in Jordan, Palestinian Authority and Iraq. Some of the international organizations that had selected Haddad for this work are FAO, UNIDO, JICA and the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture of the Texas A&M University System.

The translator of the book "Buzz about Bees" into Arabic. Worked as Arabic, English and Russian interpreter in international Agricultural  workshops and conferences.


Internationally-Granted Research projects

2008 DFG  Research visit to Germany for studying the honey bee population genetics.        10000 Euro.

2004 � 2008 USAID - MERC. Improving honey bee colony performance by feeding pollen supplements. $142,350 US.

2003 - 2006 USAID � CDR. An Evaluation of Jordan�s Wild Plants as Food Source for Honeybees. $93,884 US.

2003 � 2004 GTZ. Germany. Conservation of local honey bees in Jordan. 16,000Euro.

2003- DFG Germany. Research visit to Germany for the Morphometric study of the

Honey bee (Apis mellifera syriaca). Est . 10,000Euro.

2002 � 2005 USAID � CDR. Comparing the Efficiency of Native and Domesticated Bees in the Pollination of Field and Orchard Crops$116,860US.



-        The International Honey Bee Health Research Award 2007. Vita Europe- England. 

-        The Bronze Medal for the best CD in the Apimondia 2007. Melbourne, Australia.

-        The Bronze Medal for the best website in the Apimondia 2007. Melbourne, Australia.

-        The Golden Medal for the best CD in the Apimondia 2005. Dublin, Ireland.


Selected list of Research Visits


-        1-15 March 2008, Molecular Population Genetics of Honeybees. Molecular Ecology Group, Institute of Biology, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany.  

-        24November � 12 December 2006, Molecular techniques of honey bee diseases diagnosis. United State Department of Agriculture.  Bee Research Laboratory. Beltsville. USA.

-        15 March � 5 April 2005. Honey bee breeding, genetics and physiology. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.USA.

-        May � June 2004. Instrumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens. Oberursel Bee Research Institute. Germany.

-        February � March 2003. Morphometric research of bee subspecies of Jordan. Oberursel Bee Research Institute. Germany.


Selected Conferences Participations

-        Haddad .N.J, Fuchs S, Hepburn R, Radloff S. 2008. Morphometric analysis of Apis florea including new data from Jordan and Sudan. EurBee3 conference, Belfast UK.

-        Haddad.N.J. 2008. Beekeeping for poverty alleviation. 15th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico.  

-        Haddad.N.J. 2008. Status of Bee viruses in Jordan. 56 Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute f�r Bienenforschung. Germany.

-        Haddad.N.J. 2007. Pollen availability, sources and there effect on the population dynamics of honey bee colonies in Jordan. IBRA International Conference on Recent Trends in Apicultural Science, p69 Mikkeli, Finland.

-        Haddad N. Fuchs S., Batainha A., 2006. Decrease of flight activity by Vespa orientalis at the fligh entrance of Apis mellifera  syriaca in Jordan. Proceedings of The Second European Conference of Apidology 2006.p77. Czech Republic.

-        Haddad.N.J, Fuchs S. March 2005. Presence of Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of  Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan decreases flight activity.  53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute f�r Bienenforschung. Germany.

-        Haddad.N.J. Kharala K. September 2004. The role of honey bees (A.m. syriaca) in the pollination of black cumin (Nigella sativa) EurBee1 Conference. Italy.

Selected list Publications

  1. Haddad.N.J., Esser J. , Neumann P. 2008.  Association of Cryptophagus hexagonalis (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) with honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World. 47(3):190-191.

  2. Haddad.N.J., De Meranda J, Bataeneh A., 2008. The discovery of Apis Florea in Jordan, .Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World. 47(2):172-173.

  3. Dvory Namdar, Ronny Neumann, Yossi Sladezki, Nizar Haddad & Steve Weiner. 2007. Alkane Composition variations between darker and lighter colored comb beeswax. Apidologie 38(5) 453-461.

  4. Haddad.N.J. Brake M., Megdade, H., De Meranda J., 2008. The First Detection of Honeybee Viral Diseases in Jordan using the PCR. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 4(30) 57-61.  

  5. Haddad.N.J, Meixner M, Fuchs S, Migdadi H, Sheppard W. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA variation in honeybees from Jordan, the Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World, accepted.

  6. Haddad.N.J, Dvorak.L. Adwan.O. Mdanat.H. Bataynah. 2007 A.: New data on Vespid wasp fauna of Jordan (H.Vespidae) Linzer Biol. Beitr. 39/1, 137-142p.

  7. Haddad.N.J, Evans, J., Pettis, J., and Migdali, H. 2007. Genetic structure of varroa mite  populations in A. mellifera syriaca. Advances in Environmental Biology, 1(1): 1-3,

  8. Haddad N. J., Fuchs, S., Haddaden, J., Kopelke, J.P. 2005. Recording of Sphecophaga vesparum Curtis, a natural enemy of the Vespa orientalis in the northern part of Jordan. Middle East Journal of Zoology. Vol.35.9.      Haddad, N. and Fuchs, S. 2004. Honeybee agrobiodiversity: A project in conservation of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan. Uludag Bee J. 2:166-120.

  9. Musallam I.W., Haddad N.J., Tawaha R.M., Migdadi O.S. 2004.The importance of bee-pollination in four genotypes of faba bean (Vicia faba L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. Vol.6,No.1

  10. Haddad N.J; Chernyavskih V.I 1998 �Influence of soil cultivation and fertilizers on the nectariferous bee attendance of a red clover seeded land� // Regional problems of applied Ecology: Materials of the 5-th International Public Inter-college Scientific-Practical Conference (Sep,22-25,1998) Belgorod, pp. 79.

Selected list of extension books and booklets


Haddad.N.J. 2008. Medicinal Honeybee Plants in Jordan. NCARE. 119 p.

Haddad.N.J.  2007. Dictionary of Apicultural Terms. NCARTT. Jordan 105p. 

Haddad.N.J. Alkaed N. 2003. �Guide for some Honey bee plants in Jordan� Supported by the agro-biodiversity project.

Haddad.N.J.; Namer F.; Haddaden J. 2002. �Guide for Seasonal Honey Bee Keeping� Supported by J.B.S.

Haddad. N. J.; Shehade S. 2001. �Guide for Honey Bee Brood Disease� Dar al Sa�eb.  Supported by Italian Project (RC).