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Detailed Curriculum Vitae   


Dr. Nizar Haddad




Place and Date of Birth    

12 May 1972, Irbid

Martial Status                 



Fluent in Arabic, English and Russian




[email protected]




Agricultural Degrees

1999            Ph.D.- Zoology & General Principals of Farming �

Specialization Beekeeping.   Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, Russia.

1995           Plant Production. Specialization Beekeeping. Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, Russia.


Management Degrees


2011           Master Degree   Management and Strategic Studies. Mu�ta University.

2011            Higher Education Diploma in National Resources    

                    Management. Royal Jordanian National Defense Collage.

2010            Approved Mentor certificate. King Abdullah II Award for Government Performance and Transparency. King Abdullah II Center for Excellence.

1995            Certificate. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.                                      




2003-present    Bee Research Department Director, NCARE, Jordan

2001 � 2002     Counterpart �Alternative livelihoods and sources of income�. The  

                         Project of Agro-Biodiversity in Jordan.

2000 � 2002     Coordinator of the forage legumes Research program.

Since 2000       Researcher at the National Center for Agricultural Research and

                        Extension (NCARE).





-       The Ideal and Outstanding Government Employees Award, 2009 on the level of all Jordanian governmental ministries and institutions. 

-       Philadelphia Award for the best translated book for the year 2008. The book entitled Buzz about Bees.

-       The International Honey Bee Health Research Award 2007. Vita Europe- England.  (First Arab to receive this award).

-       The Bronze Medal for the best CD in the Apimondia 2007. Melbourne, Australia. (First Arab to receive this award).

-       The Bronze Medal for the best website in the Apimondia 2007. Melbourne, Australia. (First Arab to receive this award).

-       The Golden Medal for the best CD in the Apimondia 2005. Dublin, Ireland. (First Arab to receive this award).


Internationally-Granted Research projects


2012-2016 USAID-Impact of the Varroa destructor infestation and its viral load on honeybee colonies in the Middle East and North Africa. $299,300 US.

2011-2014 USAID- Evaluation and Development of Apis mellifera syriaca with Useful Beekeeping Traits for the Middle East Region. $329,936US.

2009-2012 USAID - Prevalence of honeybee viruses in the Middle East and their association with the appearance of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).$499,280US.

2008 DFG  Research visit to Germany for studying the honey bee population genetics. 10000 Euro.

2004 � 2008 USAID - MERC. Improving honey bee colony performance by feeding pollen supplements. $142,350 US.

2003 - 2006 USAID � CDR. An Evaluation of Jordan�s Wild Plants as Food Source for Honeybees. $93,884 US.

2003 � 2004 GTZ. Germany. Conservation of local honey bees in Jordan. 16,000Euro.

2003- DFG Germany. Research visit to Germany for the Morphometric study of the  Honey bee Apis mellifera syriaca. 10,000 Euro.

2002 � 2005 USAID � CDR. Comparing the Efficiency of Native and Domesticated Bees in the Pollination of Field and Orchard Crops. $116,860US.

2002- 2006 Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. Establishment of Experimental Sites for the Improvement of Treated wastewater Quality in Jordan. $640,000 US.

2002-2003 Revolving loans for poverty alleviation in alharsh- mafraq area, funded by JBS, $25.000 US.






1.     Haddad Nizar, I. Albaba. 2011. Example of some Middle East and North African countries quarantine requirements for the import of honey bees. The vet and the bee. Examples of regional and national regulations. Chapter 3. 24. � Standards and regulations.

2.     Haddad Nizar, 2011. Bee losses and Colony Collapse Disorder in the Middle East. Uludag Bee Journal. Volume. 11 (1): pp17-24.

3.     Haddad Nizar. 2010. The Arab World, A Potential Market of the Mexican Beekeeping Products. 17th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Tabasco, Mexico, 2010. P. 32.

4.     Haddad Nizar, Jose Luis Reyes Carrillo. 2010. Honey Bee Viruses, Diseases and Hive Management in the Middle East and their Relation to the Colony Collapse Disorder and Bee Losses. 17th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Tabasco, Mexico, 2010. P. 104-109.

5.     Robin F.A. Moritz, Haddad Nizar, Ahmed Bataieneh, Benny Shalm�n, Abraham Hefetz. 2010. Invasion of the dwarf honeybee Apis florea into the near East. Biological Invasions. (2010) 12:1093-1099.

6.     Haddad Nizar, Fuchs S, Hepburn R, Radloff S. 2009. Apis florea in Jordan: source of the founder population. Apidologie . Published on line May 2009.

7.     Haddad Nizar, A, Bataeneh, E. Mori, I. Albaba, et I. Sela. 2009. La Jordanie et le Moyen Orient La frequence des virus d�abeilles au Moyaen Orient et leer association avec la survenue du Syndrome d�effondrement des colonies d�abeilles (CCD). Bulletin Technique Apicote, vol.36(2).

8.     Haddad Nizar, Meixner M, Fuchs S, Migdadi H, Sheppard W. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA variation in honeybees from Jordan, the Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World, 48(1): 19-22

9.     Haddad Nizar. Brake M., Megdade, H., De Meranda J., 2008. The First Detection of Honeybee Viral Diseases in Jordan using the PCR. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 4(30) 57-61.

10. Haddad Nizar, Reyes-Carrillo. JL, Hamadan. K, Chlebo. R, Alrawashde.M, Whitney.R, Holm.E, Bradbear, N. 2008. Beekeeping against poverty. 15th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico. P. 116-131.

11. Haddad Nizar, De Meranda J, Bataeneh A., 2008. The discovery of Apis Florea in Jordan, .Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World. 47(2):172-173. 

12. Haddad Nizar, Esser J. , Neumann P. 2008.  Association of Cryptophagus hexagonalis (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) with honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World. 47(3):190-191.

13. Haddad Nizar, Dvorak.L. Adwan.O. Mdanat.H. Bataynah. 2007 A.: New data on Vespid wasp fauna of Jordan (H.Vespidae) Linzer Biol. Beitr. 39/1, 137-142p.

14. Haddad Nizar, Evans, J., Pettis, J., and Migdali, H. 2007. Genetic structure of varroa mite populations in A. mellifera syriaca. Advances in Environmental Biology, 1(1): 1-3.

15. Dvory Namdar, Ronny Neumann, Yossi Sladezki, Haddad Nizar & Steve Weiner. 2007. Alkane Composition variations between darker and lighter colored comb beeswax. Apidologie 38(5) 453-461.

16.  Haddad Nizar, Fuchs S., A. Bataieneh. 2006. Decrease of flight activity by Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan. Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Apidology. (Short communication) page 77.

17. Haddad Nizar, Fuchs, S., Haddaden, J., Kopelke, J.P. 2005. Record of Sphecophaga vesparum Curtis, a natural enemy of the Vespa orientalis in the northern part of Jordan. Middle East Journal of Zoology. Vol.35.

18. Haddad Nizar and Fuchs, S. 2004. Honeybee agrobiodiversity: A project in conservation of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan. Uludag Bee J. 2:166-120.

19. Musallam I.W., Haddad Nizar., Tawaha R.M., Migdadi O.S. 2004. The importance of bee-pollination in four genotypes of faba bean (Vicia faba L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. Vol.6,No.1

20. Kotlyarova O.G., Haddad Nizar, Kotlyarova E.G. 2002. Productivity and fodder qualities of red clover in dependence on soil tillage and fertilizers on slops. The Reports of Russian Academe of Agricultural Science. Number 3. Page 24- 26.

21.  Kotlyarova O.G., Haddad Nizar, Kotlyarova E.G. 2002. Honey productivity of red clover and the influence of the fertilizers and cultivation on the honey quality and quantity. The bimonthly book of the Russian Academe of Agricultural   Science. Number 3. page 33- 35.

22.  Haddad Nizar. 1996. Bee plants in Jordan �The Intensification of the production of farming�. Issue 5-Belgorod�BSAA pp. 28-29.

23. Haddad.N.J, Shyriayer A.V., Tkachenko A.V. 1997. Study of influence of Agriculture system elements with winter wheat and red clover growing on the slope lands of the south-western part of the Central Chernozem Zone. Actual problems of the agricultural reform: a compilation so scientific works � Moscow: Council of young scientist and specialists CAA, � pp. 148 �152.



Conferences Participations

1.     Nizar Haddad. February 2011, Apiculture and Honey bee diseases research in Jordan, success story. Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute, Malaysia.

2.     Nizar Haddad. 2010. CCD and Bee Losses in the Middle East. The 4th. Black Sea Beekeepers conference. Turkey.

3.     Nizar Haddad. 2010. Honey Bee Viruses, Diseases and Hive Management in the Middle East and their Relation to the Colony Collapse Disorder and Bee Losses. 17th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico

4.     Nizar Haddad. 2010.   The Arab World, A Potential Market of the Mexican Beekeeping Products. 17th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico.

5.     Nizar Haddad. 2010. Beekeeping as income generating project for disable and Old people. The First Jordanian conference for Disable and old people. Jordan.

6.     Nizar Haddad. 2010. The Introduction of the Internet Portal HOBOS (An Innovative Research and Learning Tool for Sustainable Development) To the Arab Countries. Higher Education in the 21st Century:
Challenges and Futurism.
World International Conference on Education, Amman, Jordan.

7.     Nizar Haddad, A. Bataeneh, I. Albaba, Dany Obeid, Shelan Abdulrahman. 2009. Status of colony losses in the Middle East. 41st Congress Apimondia 2009, France.

8.     Nizar Haddad, A revolving loan fund (RLF) providing small loans. 41st Congress Apimondia 2009, France.

9.     Nizar Haddad, Review on Vespa orientalis Research in Jordan. 41st Congress Apimondia 2009, France.

10. Nizar Haddad, 2009. Are honey bees good for poverty alleviation in Lebanon?. Lebanon.

11. Haddad .N.J, Fuchs S, Hepburn R, Radloff S. 2008. Morphometric analysis of Apis florea including new data from Jordan and Sudan. EurBee3 conference, Belfast UK.

12. Haddad .N.J. 2008. The availability of pollen to Apis mellifera colonies in the Middle East region. MARD Scientific Symposium. Jordan.

13. Haddad.N.J. 2008. Presence of Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan decreases flight activity. 53 Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute f�r Bienenforschung. Germany.

14. Haddad.N.J. 2008. Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation. 15th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico.

15. Haddad.N.J. 2008. Apiculture Research in Developing Countries, Sources of Funding. 15th Congreso Internacional De Actvalizacion Apicola. Mexico.

16. Haddad.N.J. 2008.Biodiversity and conservation of Apis mellifera syriaca bees in Jordan. First International congress, Documenting, Documenting, Analysis and managing Biodiversity in the Middle East 20-23 October 2008.

17.                        Haddad.N.J. 2008. Status of Bee viruses in Jordan. 56 Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute f�r Bienenforschung. Germany.

18.   Haddad.N.J. 2007. Pollen availability, sources and there effect on the population dynamics of honey bee colonies in Jordan. IBRA International Conference on Recent Trends in Apicultural Science, p69 Mikkeli, Finland.


19. Haddad.N.J., J. Esser. P. Neumann. 2007. Association of Crptophagus hexagonalis (coleoptera: cryptophagidae) with honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies. 40th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress (9th- 14 Sept.) 2007. Melbourne Australia.

20. Haddad.N.J. 2007. Genetic structure of Varroa mite population in A. mellifera syriaca. 40th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress (9th- 14 Sept.) 2007. Melbourne Australia.

21. Haddad.N.J. 2007. The economic value of honeybees for crop pollination in Jordan. 40th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress (9th- 14 Sept.) 2007. Melbourne Australia.

22. Haddad.N.J. 2007. Apiculture in Jordan. 40th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress (9th- 14 Sept.) 2007. Melbourne Australia.

23. Haddad.N.J. 2007. Pollen availability to Apis mellifera colonies in the Middle East region. 40th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress (9th- 14 Sept.) 2007. Melbourne Australia.

24. Haddad.N.J. 2007. First record of Cryptophagus hexaonalis (coleopteran: cryptophagidae) within the honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies. IBRA International conference on Recent trends in Apicultural science. 10-14 june 2007. Mikkeli, Finland.

25. Haddad.N.J. 2007. Contribution to the vespid wasp fauna of Jordan (hymenoptera, vespidae). IBRA International conference on Recent trends in Apicultureal science. 10-14 june 2007. Mikkeli, Finland.

26. Haddad N. Fuchs S., Batainha A., 2006. Decrease of flight activity by Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan. Second European conference of Apidology. 10-14 September 2006. Prague- Czech republic.

27. Haddad.N.J. 2006. Variation of mitochondrial DNA in honey bees of Jordan. Second European conference of Apidology. 10-14 September 2006. Prague- Czech Republic.

28. Haddad.N.J, Fuchs S. March 2005. Presence of Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan decreases flight activity. 53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute f�r Bienenforschung. Germany.

29.                        Haddad.N.J. 2005. Presence of Vespa orientalis at the flight entrance of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan decreases flight activity. Apimondia, 22nd -24 August 2005. Dublin, Ireland.

30.                        N. Haddad. 2004. Conservation of Apis mellifera syriaca in Jordan. First European conference of Apidology. 19-23 September 2004. Udine- Italy.

31. Haddad.N.J. Kharala K. September 2004. The role of honey bees (A.m. syriaca) in the pollination of black cumin (Nigella sativa) EurBee1 Conference. Italy.

32. Haddad.N.J. 2003. Beekeeping in Jordan. Germany DFG.

33. Haddad.N.J. 2002. Beekeeping a tool to fight hunger. Green Iraq Conference and Exhibition.  2002. Amman. Jordan.

34. Haddad.N.J, Chernyavskih V.I. 1998. Influence of soil cultivation and fertilizers on the nectariferous bee attendance of a red clover seeded land Regional problems of applied Ecology. Materials of the 5-th International Public Inter-college Scientific-Practical Conference (Sep, 22-25, 1998) Belgorod, pp. 79.

35.                        Kotlyarova O.G, Haddad.N.J. 1999. Influence of agritechniques on some biometrical indices of red clover herbs. The 2nd International Scientific - Practical Conference �Problems of agricultural production on the modern stage and ways to solve them� Belgorod, � pp. 97.

36. Haddad.N.J, Chernyavskih V.I. 1998. Honey-productivity of red clover depending on fertilizer dose and soil cultivation. Regional problems of applied Ecology: Materials of the 5-th International Public Inter-college Scientific - Practical Conference (Sep, 22-25, 1998) Belgorod, -pp. 79-80.

37. Mikityuk V.V, Haddad N.J. 1999. Influence of soil cultivation and fertilizers on the chemical composition of red clover nectar. The 2nd International Scientific Production Conference �Problems of agricultural production on the modern stage and ways to solve them� � Belgorod, -p.96.

38.                        Haddad.N.J. 1997. Influence of soil cultivation and fertilizers on the weediness of red clover seedings on the slops of the South-Western part of the Central Chernzem Zone. Actual problems of land organization, land utilization and land evaluation: a compilation of report theses and communications of the Scientific-Practical Conference (Dec, 4-6 � 1996). Issue 2 � Moscow � Council of young scientists and specialists, CAA, � pp. 66-67.

39.                        Haddad.N.J. 1996. Red clover productivity and nectar quality in the soil-protecting crop rotations. Actual problems of land organization, land utilization and land evaluation: a compilation report theses and communications of the scientific-practical conference, CAA, � pp. 97-98.












Research Visits


-       22-30 October 2011, Strengthen cooperation between NCARE, Old Dominion University- Virginia and USAID Washington DC, USA.

-       3-6 October 2011, Workshop in the use of Real � Time PCR. Scotland, UK.

-       1-15 March 2008, Molecular Population Genetics of Honeybees. Molecular Ecology Group, Institute of Biology, M.L.U. Halle, Germany.  

-       24 November � 12 December 2006, Molecular techniques of honey bee diseases diagnosis. United State Department of Agriculture. Bee Research Laboratory. Beltsville. USA.

-   15 March � 5 April 2005. Honey bee breeding, genetics and physiology. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.USA.

-       May � June 2004. Instrumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens. Oberursel Bee Research Institute. Germany.

-       February � March 2003. Morphometric research of bee subspecies of Jordan. Oberursel Bee Research Institute. Germany.


Books and Booklets


Haddad.N.J.2011. Climatic Changes and Jordanian Food Security. Aldastoor press. Supported by HOBOS project. 208p.

Haddad.N.J. et.al. 2010. Honeybees and Medicinal Plants in Jordanian Environment. 200 p.

Haddad.N.J. 2009. Introduction to Beekeeping. FAO. 54p.

Haddad.N.J. et.al. 2008. Medicinal Honeybee Plants in Jordan. NCARE. 119p.

Haddad.N.J. 2008. Buzz about Bees, Translated Book.. 284p.

Haddad.N.J. et.al  2007. Dictionary of Apicultural Terms. NCARTT. Jordan 105p.

Haddad.N.J.; Haddaden .J.  2004. The Small Hive Beetle. NCARE. 60p.

Haddad.N.J. Alkaed N. 2003. �Guide for some Honey bee plants in Jordan� Supported by the agro-biodiversity project.60p.

Haddad.N.J.; Namer F.; Haddaden J. 2002. �Guide for Seasonal Honey Bee Keeping� Supported by J.B.S.56p.

Haddad. N. J.; Shehade S. 2001. �Guide for Honey Bee Brood Disease� Dar al Sa�eb.  Supported by Italian Project (RC).60p.

Haddad.N.J.; Haddaden .J.  2001. �Pesticides Hazards on Honey Bee�, Dar al Sa�eb. Supported by Italian Project (RC). 60p.



Other extension materials

Published over 40 extension articles, participated in more the 200 radio, and TV programs and extension files, and over 30 deferent extension brochures, about 5 multimedia CD programs.
















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